Do you have difficulty in coping with long years of school? Try a Positive Mindset, and you will be amazed.
Do you sometimes feel like the journey through school is unbearable? The number of years necessary to finish school may impact commitment, and the ability to achieve Grade 12 successfully. The process becomes more challenging when you do not get proper support in terms of extra lessons, tutoring, career coaching, and better advice […]
A call to support Parents and Guardians with Psychosocial Skills
When we offer psychosocial skills to Parents, we are extending the support to more Children and Learners Since the start of the pandemic learners across the country have experienced long periods of uncertainty, worry, fear, confusion, and anxiety. During the lockdown period, parents and guardians stepped in to assume the role of supporting […]
From Physical to Digital Connection
From Physical to Digital Connection In a period when face-to-face learning and classroom interaction has become limited, we are determined to continue connecting with learners and parents (including legal guardians). We must admit, it will take time to return to the same life we all lived before the Covid-19 pandemic. The recent events have compelled […]